Face Mask Compliance
Effective immediately, all persons entering the ELNOS building MUST wear a face covering that covers the nose, mouth, and chin without gaps. Face coverings MUST be worn in all public areas of the building (hallways, stairwells, elevators, washrooms, etc.).
In addition, each tenant of the building will have their own policy on the wearing of masks in their individual suites, and these policies must be adhered to.
Failure to comply will result in you being asked to leave the building. Repeat offenders will be served a Notice of Trespass. The ELNOS building is privately owned and your ability to access the building and the services herein requires your compliance with these rules.
You may wish to contact the Algoma Public Health Unit for guidelines on when, where, and how to properly wear various types of masks. They can be reached at 705-848-2314 or visit their website at www.algomapublichealth.com.
The building management can be reached at 705-848-0229.
Thank you for your cooperation!
For more information on the requirement of face masks in Algoma District click here.